Embrace the power of storytelling!

Feel confident targeting functional, meaningful speech and language skills in the salient context of storytelling!

Earn PDHs

Earn professional development hours to satisfy requirements for state and national licensure requirements. 

Learn At Your Own Pace

From any device, any time at your convenience. Resume exactly where you left off. No limits on the number of times you can view video lessons.

Return and Review

This course is dense and comprehensive. Don't worry about getting everything all at once. Feel free to return and rewatch as you grow in confidence or as you need new, fresh ideas!

Frequently Asked Questions

This course includes a combination of video presentations, handouts and other helpful links and resources. There are 6 modules included in the course, with multiple videos in each module. About half of the course is information/education-heavy, while the other half is very practical, including many strategies and activities for therapy. 

If you purchase during the early-bird time period, you will get the course for $175. After the early-bird period closes, the price will go up to $225.

Keep in mind that as the course grows and receives updates, the cost may increase. However, once you purchase and have access, you will get all updates for FREE. 

Upon completion of this course, you will receive a certificate awarding you 7.5 professional development hours (PDHs).

We do not report CEUs to ASHA, but you can keep the certificate for your own records.

If you have questions about continuing education requirements, please contact your state and/or national regulating bodies. To learn more about approved professional development activities, per ASHA, click here.

It is intended that this course be completed within 1 year. In other words, you have 365 days (from the date of purchase) to revisit and review course content and resources.

Should you decide you want to extend or renew your access, individuals who have already purchased the course before will be eligible to pay a re-access fee, rather than pay the entire cost of the course.